About: Fly + Intellect
Mz Coko likes being Fly... and Mz Coko likes talking about stuff other than clothes... cuz that's what 'Intellectuals' do. Plus Mz Coko has a slight case of ADD and can not stay on one topic... so whatever Mz Coko feels like talking about (something along the lines of fashion and black folk issues) is what is gonna get talked about.

Name: Coko Mulan
Home: Detroit, MI, United States
About Me: 23. Christian. TheDazzleCartelFounder.SalonZeroDegrees.AccessoryFreak. ShoeAddict. UniversityOfMichiganAlumni. BigSister. Daughter. AttitudeProblem. Comedienne. Shop-a-holic. Intellectual(Duh). Opinionated
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  Tuesday, May 22, 2007  
Kill Yourself: Kelz and Omarion... and the rest of the Shoe Overdose
I get real offended when somebody compares themselves to the late, the great, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. R. Kelly compared himself to MLK... exact words ""I'm the Ali of today. I'm the Marvin Gaye of today. I'm the Bob Marley of today. I'm the Martin Luther King, or all the other greats that have come before us. And a lot of people are starting to realize that now."

You can say Ali, you can say Marvin Gaye, and you can say Bob Marley but don't do Martin...

R. Kelly... for that comment kill yourself... and Beyonce... even though u my girl... For that line "I can do for you what Martin did for the people" and that nappy ass wig/weave u had on the other day please... kill yourself

Now I used to be like a huge B2K fan... stalked them and everything and they could do no wrong in my book... even Omarion (although he was my least fav.) but for this outfit...

you should KILL YOURSELF!! That's the most homo hoodie i have ever seen...

Anyway... yesterday I knew I forgot some shoes... when I say OverDose on shoes I meant it...sooo here are the rest from Bakers

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posted by Coko Mulan @ 11:23 AM  
  • At Tuesday, 22 May, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just talked to Wendy Williams...YAY

    good post Coko

  • At Tuesday, 22 May, 2007, Blogger Coko Mulan said…

    u did? she's hilarious...we get her here in detroit.. what she say? U prolly posted it on ur blog.. i'll go see..

  • At Tuesday, 22 May, 2007, Blogger `NEFTY said…

    Love those shoes, they flyyy.
    Anyways, that was 1 fruity lookin outfit, I'm suprised he's wearing it!

  • At Tuesday, 22 May, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    those yellow plaid shoes are holdin'....like those

  • At Wednesday, 23 May, 2007, Blogger Coko Mulan said…

    yeah those yellow ones are a beast... I'm buying them when i get paid Friday.. got that good $20 off coupon too...

  • At Wednesday, 23 May, 2007, Blogger The Second Sixty-Eight said…

    You and them damn shoes...

    Quit playin' girl. R. can't compare himself the Ali, Marvin or anyone else for that matter. He ain't that important. Ali stood behind his convictions. Martin stood up for rights. Marvin stood for social consciousness. R. stands to pee on teens.

    Okay. Maybe he on to something there...
    Nah the hell he ain't!

  • At Wednesday, 23 May, 2007, Blogger Coko Mulan said…

    only reason I give him Ali, and Marvin cuz they were the best at what they did (boxing and music) and although I personally think Kelz sings about dumb shii he makes hits and he runs the R&B game.. so i could understand.. but I cant get the Martin.. I can't rationalize it

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