About: Fly + Intellect |
Mz Coko likes being Fly... and Mz Coko likes talking about stuff other than clothes... cuz that's what 'Intellectuals' do. Plus Mz Coko has a slight case of ADD and can not stay on one topic... so whatever Mz Coko feels like talking about (something along the lines of fashion and black folk issues) is what is gonna get talked about.
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.About.Mz.Coko. |
Name: Coko Mulan
Home: Detroit, MI, United States
About Me: 23. Christian. TheDazzleCartelFounder.SalonZeroDegrees.AccessoryFreak. ShoeAddict. UniversityOfMichiganAlumni. BigSister. Daughter. AttitudeProblem. Comedienne. Shop-a-holic. Intellectual(Duh). Opinionated
See my complete profile
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